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Opening Doors and Tearing Down Walls

We all face challenges in life, hurdles to our callings, broken mindsets, and other things that block us from moving forward. I saw some of these things as locked doors before me, impeding my forward progress to my call and destiny.

I wanted to unlock a closed door that was in front of me. I wanted it to stay open forever once I had gone through the fight and pain to get it unlocked and open. I wanted it open for any others that came after me.  I wanted it to never be locked again.

Then I realized I wanted more; I wanted to rip the door off the hinges. Then there would be no way for it to ever be closed again; I really hated this door. Then all who followed after my footsteps would have an open door before them, that could never be closed.

Then I found myself desiring even more. I want to take down the very building and wall which had allowed for this doorway. The walls constrained movement which forced entry to this single doorway, everything seemed so limiting inside this building. It is not enough to unlock a door, or remove it from its hinges, the entire structure around it needs to be destroyed, so that no one can ever be imprisoned there again.