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Revival as Family

“Family” has been a theme we have heard from many lately as they speak about this upcoming Revival. We feel that the word family should be interpreted as the “family of God’s people” and not necessarily your “birth, natural, or adopted family.” We know that God adopts us as sons and daughters and we are considered brothers and sisters in Christ, which supersedes our natural family ties. We hear God’s heart clearly in Psalms 68:6 “God settles the lonely in families.” For many the church family is all they have when they come to Christ. Family will be instrumental in this next move of God. We have been gathering prophetic words, expressing the heart of God on this topic, over the past several months:


Revival will spread through families (Christian community groups): “you are going to start raising up and building teams of house churches. And I am seeing it spread like wildfire across your region [Silicon Valley] of house churches, that are known for intimacy and known for a community of family. Because in this next season, revival is going to come through family.” – Chantel Wood 2/19


“Belong” to a Christian community or family group has been a theme of our leadership team. Everyone needs a place to belong in an empowering community of believers. – Greg Holsclaw 12/18


God has been highlighting to me “family.” This means a breaking free from the spirit of individualism, entitlement, self sufficiency, and isolation so that we can be family for each other. I also feel the need for a greater sense of of community and meeting each others needs in healthy ways. It is our privilege to bring family to those who do not understand family.  The unconditional love of God in families and Christian communities will be the key to breakthrough in healing addictions, depression, hopelessness, any area of lack and bring back true kingdom alignment, so that we are not conformed by the pattern of Silicon Valley performance and achievement driven culture. But that we can be in true authentic relationship. This will not be a project but motivated by the love of God.
Also some of us have been contending for breakthrough for our natural families and breaking off generational strongholds and patterns.  I feel like the Lord is going to help us break ground in areas our parents and grandparents were not able to.  But through our contending, prayers, and perseverance, we will see those strongholds break as we ourselves walk in a new pattern. – Joann Chang  1/19