BE KNOWN in an Empowering Community

(printable version)

Being known is part of being loved. God knows us perfectly and loves us perfectly. Empowering Communities seek to know each other deeply as God knows us. Mutual, two-way sharing is required, surrounded in love and grace.

Love for each other deepens as we understand someone’s story; their high points and their low points. We seek to discover the designs and purposes God has for each member of the family. Great intention and focus are needed to truly know and love each other as fully as God loves.

The Be Known component of Empowering Communities is the intentional activity of moving beyond a superficial level of knowing each member into a deeper understanding of each member’s journey in life: both where they are now and how they got there. But most importantly, who they are becoming in Christ!

Key Words: Love, Grace, Seen & Discovery

Key Questions:

  • Have I shared God’s story in me to this community?
  • Have I sought to discover God’s story in others of the community?

Key Activities:

  • Each Shares Their God’s Story (each meeting have one testimony of their salvation)
  • “Big God Dream” Sharing (or one share who might they become in Christ)
  • Regular Testimony Times of what God is doing in our lives now