BE SENT from an Empowering Community

Each of us has the mandate to go make disciples, but we recognize Jesus gave that commission to a group of disciples. Empowering Communities understand the call for each disciple is different and seeks to send out each person according to their unique gifts (Eph 2:10 & Rom 11:29).

The empowering community seeks to launch every disciple into their specific Kingdom work. These communities are not “works” driven; the motivation is to know Christ, each other, and how God made and gifted us; and then be sent on diverse missions as He shows us. This may be to assist the community, reach out to the world as a witness, or to serve a different portion of the Church.

Key Words: Equipped and Launched, Sent Ones

Key Questions:

  • Have I been activated?
  • Who am I helping activate?
  • Has the community launched members into their callings from God?

Key Activities:

  • Receiving new members that are just entering into their life with Christ.
  • Hearing and blessing the specific callings of God on each member.
  • Connecting, as needed, members to other groups for mentoring and launching.
  • Receiving regular updates of each member’s life on mission.